Promised Land

Promised Land is a series of landscapes along the US- Mexico border and portraits of those whose lives have been affected by US policies implemented since the construction of the border wall. In an attempt to shed light on the lives that are affected, I am photographing along the US-Mexico border from Boca Chica on the Gulf of Mexico to the Tijuana border on the West Coast.

I am working with an 8×10 large format camera to create these images. Using its slowness to my advantage, I am able to spend time with each person who sits in front of my lens, listening to their stories. If I am photographing the landscape, I must wait in that place for the light.

To create these images, I volunteer with humanitarian aid groups on both sides of the border. I have photographed and worked with migrants, nuns, volunteers, border patrols, groups that drop water on known migrant trails, and groups searching for missing migrants in the US desert.

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